Guida TV Bloomberg domani pomeriggio: scopri i programmi di economia e finanza in onda!

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Scopri cosa ti aspetta nel pomeriggio di domani con la guida TV di Bloomberg! Bloomberg Television è la rete leader nel mondo delle notizie di economia e finanza, con una programmazione 24 ore su 24 che raggiunge milioni di telespettatori in tutto il mondo. Grazie al suo formato innovativo e all'uso intelligente dello schermo, Bloomberg ti offre un'esperienza unica, con tickers e box che ti forniscono costantemente aggiornamenti su notizie e dati economico-finanziari. Non perderti le ultime informazioni e le analisi di esperti di settore, tutto in diretta e gratuitamente in streaming online. Sintonizzati su Bloomberg Television e scopri cosa ti aspetta domani pomeriggio!

Informazione Bloomberg Studio 1.0

Programmi del pomeriggio

  • Bloomberg's Francine Lacqua speaks to chief executives and business leaders about what motivates them, the lessons they have learned and the challenges they face in their industries.

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  • Roblox CEO & Co-Founder David Baszucki. Bloomberg talks to David Baszucki about the success of the online gaming platform, Roblox.

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  • The Earthshot Prize 2022 is a global prize designed to incentivise change and help to repair our planet by awarding five winners each year for their contributions to environmentalism.

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  • Francine Lacqua interviews key decisions makers across a range of industries to see how they're navigating the climate transition.

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  • Chief Financial Officers now play a critical role in shaping corporate strategy and positioning organisations to meet future challenges - this programme profiles them.

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  • Chief Financial Officers now play a critical role in shaping corporate strategy and positioning organisations to meet future challenges - this programme profiles them.

  • Chase Griffin isn't the starting quarterback for UCLA. But in the first year that college athletics have allowed students to profit, he's making a bid to be the president of name, image, and likeness.

  • Azzi Fudd is starting her sophomore year for the University of Connecticut Huskies, following in the footsteps of basketball's best while trailblazing a new path to profit.

  • David Westin speaks with top names in finance about the week's biggest issues on Wall Street.

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  • Philanthropist and financier David Rubenstein uncovers inside stories from the most influential minds in business.

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  • Roblox CEO & Co-Founder David Baszucki. Bloomberg talks to David Baszucki about the success of the online gaming platform, Roblox.

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